Sunday, October 20, 2013

Today we agree

Today, October 20, 2013, my husband Joe and I decided that we are going to become healthy.  We have a myriad of health issues, many of which can be solved with diet and exercise.  I have thyroid disease, celiac disease, fybromyalgia, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.  I take synthroid, nexium and cymbalta.  Joe has type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive issues, back problems and severe osteoarthritis.  I have lost count of the number of pills he takes a day along with 4 shots of insulin.

We are overweight, we smoke and we are completely inactive.  

Today we decided that we want more.  We want to feel better.  We want to live longer.  We want to give up pills.  We want to quit smoking.  And most importantly, we want to do it together.  I already know what we have to do.  I've been down this road before and I can do it again.  This time it has to be forever.  I recently lost my mother to extremely aggressive lung cancer which metastasized to her liver.  She went from healthy to gone in two months.  What a wake up call that was.

Tomorrow we are going to the gym and the grocery store.  Joe is going to the doctor in the morning and will discuss our plan with her.  Joe is 50 and I'm 47 and we would like to have many more years to spend together.

This blog will chronicle our journey.  I'm even going to throw in some embarrassing before pictures so that hopefully we can look back and be glad we started this now.  As a side benefit, we can provide good role models to our children (all four of whom are overweight).  So maybe this isn't just a couple's journey but the journey of an entire family.  We are determined.

And here we are....

I'd say wish us luck, but this has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with determination.